so summer antics officially started last night.
shit disco dj set went down by the skin of it's teeth (missing flights? doesn't sound like musician behaviour to me...) and was well worth the drama, while there was something in the water in the lobby bar.
in case you think you were hallucinating, you did in fact hear a bill withers favourite. amazingly, bill worked in the toilet industry before he started singing about his grandma's hands.
tonight soundtrack 08 battles on around the pod complex with beth rowley and peter von poehl at crawdaddy. maccabees supported by wild beasts and east coast conference play tripod. dave have a few passes left for maccabees so throw him a mail! later radioclit are djing in the pod and turzo is at crawdaddy.
not sure yet how i feel about wild beasts, but check out devil's crayon on their myspace.
antics loves u!